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Easton Public Library
Oral History Project
Easton's 175th Anniversary

As part of Easton's 175th Anniversary celebration, the Library is hosting an Oral History Project. The purpose of this project is to preserve
the Town's history as seen through the eyes of its residents, and
to celebrate the histories and accomplishments of those
who made Easton what it is today.
William Kupinse interviewed by Dolly Curtis
Paul Rawson interviewed by Dolly Curtis
Phil Doremus interviewed by Dolly Curtis
Eunice Hanson interviewed by Dolly Curtis
Mary Ann Freeman interviewed by Dolly Curtis
Dick Greiser interviewed by Dolly Curtis
Anne Fiyalka interviewed by Penny LaMastro
The Silvermans interviewed by Iris LaMastro
Dr. Machledt inerviewed by Lincoln LaMastro, Part 1
Dr. Machledt interviewed by Lincoln LaMastro, Part 2

Ed Nagy interviewed by Dolly Curtis
Andy Kachele interviewed by Dolly Curtis
Dottie D'Amato interviewed by Dolly Curtis
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